Meet our Brand Ambassadors: Tahnee Sullivan
Background/bio: I have been riding horses my whole life and started off showing ponies and galloways as a child, with my mum and sister, before moving in to the stock horse world, which is where I’ve really found my passion for riding and competing.
What discipline do you ride/compete in? I compete Australian Stock Horses in showing, challenges and campdrafting, which I really love. I have a few nice stock horses at the moment that have taken me to royal and national level.
What horse horses are you currently competing on and can you tell us about them? My most accomplished horse is Wundurra Impact. He is a 15.1hh, 10 year old true black gelding by Impressive Destiny. Impact is my most experienced horse, who has taken me from never having competed in a stock horse class to Sydney Royal and ASH National winner. Impact is such a reliable horse who always gives 100% at home and at every show. Impact is a beautifully educated horse, so he makes my job quite easy, I just have to keep him fit, healthy and happy and he will perform for me.
I also have a 3 year old filly, who is still growing and going to be a big girl! We picked her out at the ASH Nationals sale in 2021, where she absolutely stood out to me, my mum and trainer Wyatt Young. I am extremely happy with her, she is growing into an impressive young horse, with super movement and presences.
What’s been your biggest equestrian achievements/highlights to date Winning Reserve Champion Hack on Impact at Sydney Royal 2019 was a big moment for me. It was such an amazing moment standing beside Fiona Gordon, who was awarded Champion, as we were lucky enough to buy Impact from Fiona, who had owned and trained him.
Attending Youth Nationals and winning Supreme Hack and Reserve Champion Pleasure Hack was a huge achievement. As was winning Pony Club NSW State Showring Champion 15-18 years. Prior to Impact I had always ridden and shown show horses, so this was a big surprise taking an ASH into the hack ring and coming away with the win. Impact was an absolute star and not once let me down, after the first day we had gained so many points that there was no chance of anyone catching up!
Winning Supreme Hack and ASHLA at ASH Nationals 2021 was beyond all my expectations. It was such a huge achievement and an honour to be surrounded by such quality horses and riders. I won Supreme Hack the day before my 18th Birthday, so there was a lot to celebrate!
Sydney Royal 2022 winning champion ASH hack of the show and 3rd in the RM WIlliams most versatile stock horse was amazing. I had trained and worked so hard for years with Impact, so to finally crack the Champion ASH hack at Sydney made all the hard work seem worth it!
What are your goals for the rest of 2022? My main focus for the rest of this year will be to get my young mare up and going and ready for the upcoming spring show season. She’s showing so much promise, so I am hoping to get her out as much as possible.